Centre for Arts and Technology Creates Industry Success.

By Centre for Arts and Technology (Kelowna Campus) Modified on March 06, 2015
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Experience our commitment to building a bridge for you to reach your goals.


Centre for Arts and Technology is committed to helping you from your first interaction with us all the way to your new career. Our Student Success department leads the Professional Development classes, which are integrated into all programs offered. It’s no longer enough to have the skills; you have to be able to promote yourself.

In addition, each program offers opportunities to collaborate on projects with students from other programs and members of our local community. This collaborative and real-world experience is extremely valuable and appeals to potential employers. Students will generally spend their last quarter fine tuning their professional skills as well as developing their portfolio or demo reel. Industry panelists will be invited in to provide critiques and feedback, preparing students to enter the workforce.

Our programs run all year round, meaning there is no summer break. But don’t despair; we believe this sets you up for success in your career; the real world does not take summers off and a continual schedule will get you working in your career before you know it!

Upon graduation, you may choose to receive job alerts from our administrative team. You may be presented with internship, co-op or full time job opportunities, collected through our website and professional contacts. This will give you a head start on your competition and keep you connected with your industry as a whole.

We have a Facebook Alumni page for our graduates, where we share recent news and opportunities for our alumni. Staying connected with fellow graduates across all programs is vital to your success and we encourage you to build upon relationships made while in school.

Not sure where to start? Take our Virtual Admissions Advisor Quiz to identify your goals, personal strengths and information about the program and career you are considering.

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